WTS Used-computers - Listing

WTS :  113x 3040-7080 MICRO  from  Sweden

Supplier Name: INREGO AB

WTS: 113x 3040-7080 MICRO
Price: $1234567
Details: For list and more details: Phone/Whatsapp: +46 70 783 83 14 Email / Skype: [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-20

WTS :  Dell Laptops 5510, 7400, 7410 I7 8th & 10th Gen  from  USA

Supplier Name: MAXXUM

WTS: Dell Laptops 5510, 7400, 7410 I7 8th & 10th Gen
Price: $1.00
Details: (22) Dell 5510 i7 10610U 8x256 15.6" (40) Dell 7400 i7 8665u 8x256 14" (58) Dell 7410 i7 10610U 8x256 14' Clean, Tested, A/B Grade, no A/C, Available in MN, USA Email offer to: [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-20

WTS :  Dell 5420 i5 11th Gen (QTY 30)  from  USA

Supplier Name: MAXXUM

WTS: Dell 5420 i5 11th Gen (QTY 30)
Price: $1.00
Details: (Qty 30) Dell 5420 i5 1145g7 (11th Gen) 2.6ghz,16 x 256, 14”, AC, Batt, $190ea *Grade A. [email protected] Jen LaMere
Posted Date: 2024-11-20

WTS :  66x LENOVO L14 G1-G2  from  Sweden

Supplier Name: INREGO AB

WTS: 66x LENOVO L14 G1-G2
Price: $206
Details: CPU: RYZEN 3/ RYZEN 5 RAM: 8-16GB SSD:256-512GB KB: SWE AC included AA- GRADE/ minor issue
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  223x PRO X360 FORTIS G9  from  Sweden

Supplier Name: INREGO AB

WTS: 223x PRO X360 FORTIS G9
Price: $1234567
Details: For list and more details: Phone/Whatsapp: +46 70 783 83 14 Email / Skype: [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  500 X Clone SFF computer  from  Hungary


WTS: 500 X Clone SFF computer
Price: $1
Details: chassis are- Hyrican, Atos, Terra, etc CPU- i5-8th/9th; i3 8th/9th; Pentium gold MB- gigabyte, Asus, all with SSD, 8-16gb RAM, detailed list upon request e-mail, skype- [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  Dell Laptops 5400 i5 8635u  from  USA

Supplier Name: MAXXUM

WTS: Dell Laptops 5400 i5 8635u
Price: $1.00
Details: Want to Sell: QTY 36 Dell 5400 i5 8635u 1.6 GHZ 8 x 256 14" Clean, Tested, A/B Grade, no A/C, Available in MN, USA Please email OFFER TO - [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  Dell 5420 i5 1145 G7 (QTY 48)  from  USA

Supplier Name: MAXXUM

WTS: Dell 5420 i5 1145 G7 (QTY 48)
Price: $1.00
Details: Want to Sell: QTY 48 Dell 5420 Laptops i5 1145 G7 2.6 GHZ 16 x 256 14" Clean, Tested, A/B Grade, no A/C, Available in MN, USA Please email OFFER TO - [email protected] Jen LaMere
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  Dell 5410 i5 10310u (QTY 116)  from  USA

Supplier Name: MAXXUM

WTS: Dell 5410 i5 10310u (QTY 116)
Price: $1.00
Details: Want to Sell: QTY 116 Dell 5410 i5 10310u 1.7u GHZ 16 x 256 14", NO A/C Clean, Tested, A/B Grade, no A/C, Available in MN, USA Please email OFFER to- [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-19

WTS :  Lenovo X395  from  Sweden

Supplier Name: INREGO AB

WTS: Lenovo X395
Price: $111
Details: RYZEN 5 PRO 3500U 8GB 256 SSD W10P Swedish kebyoard WEBCAM AC INCLUDED For list contact Cristian Phone/Whatsapp: +46 72 401 22 71 Email/Skype: [email protected]
Posted Date: 2024-11-18