$ On Inquiry - Call for latest price
Good afternoon Sir,<br /> <br /> I am sending you a proposal for a new container:<br /> <br />  1000 - P3 Fujitsu Siemens 866/1000Mhz 128MB 10-15GB no CD desktop - £10.50 x 1000 = £10,500<br />  100 - Viglen P4 2.8Ghz 512MB 40GB DVD desktop - £43 x 100 = £43,000<br />  List of attached laptops - £4300<br />  50 - Dell/HP/Compaq P4 1.7 - 2.0GHz 256MB 20-40GB desktop/tower - £30 x 50 = £1500<br />  50 - Dell/HP/Compaq P4 2.26 - 2.4GHz 256MB 20-40GB desktop/tower - £35 x 50 = £1750<br />  13 - Dell SFF P4 2.6GHz-2.8GHz 256-512MB 40GB - £40 x 13 = £520<br />  01- Dell SFF P4 2.4Ghz 256MB 40GB - £35 x 1 = £35<br />  02 - Dell SFF P4 1.8GHz 256MB 20-40GB - £30 x 2 = £60<br />  03 - Dell SFF P4 1.6GHz 256MB 20-40GB - £25 x 3 = £75<br />  20 - Dell SFF CEL 2.6GHz 256MB 40GB - £30 x 20 = £600<br />  23 - Dell SFF P3 933Mhz-1.0Ghz 256MB 10-20Gb - £10.50 x 23 = £230<br />  Up to 100 TFT LCD monitors 15/17” Grade A/B - price will be agreed separately<br />  300 - 400 CRT 15/17” Grade A/B monitors - £2.5 per unit<br />  1000 + mix of keyboards and mice <br /> <br /> Let me know if you are interes
Country: UK
Posted on: 2008-08-04
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